Cute ladies and guys tell you the time
A website called "bijin tokei + binan tokei" ( is making a big topic.
The translation is:
bijin => beautiful lady
binan => beautiful guy
tokei => clock
In this site good-looking ladies and guys tell you what time it is now.
They hold boards on which current time is written by hand-writing.
It's updated every minute automatically.
That means 1440 pictures are shown in a day.
Every picture is taken on a street.
But there is an exception.
A female pop singer “Rina Aiuchi” appears in this website temporarily.
(The picture on the right is her.)
She’s advertising her CD on the board.
This website offers a "gadget" that can be used for homepages and blogs.
There's a rumor that they are developing an application of this clock for iPhone.
So iPhone users should check it out!
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